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Tomatoes & Toast????

A few months ago when I went to bed I couldn't sleep so I scrolled through our ITunes movies and decided to watch Julie and Julia. I've seen it several times before but it's been a long time since I've watched it. Thoroughly enjoyed it AGAIN. Who has watched it?? Early in the movie she is talking with her husband, in deep discussion and cooking the whole time. She never comments about what she's making but if you watch her, she’s making bruschetta. So that weekend, I decided I HAD to make bruschetta, even though I’ve never made it before. So I googled a recipe and made some alterations to the recipe, it was sooooo easy and pretty quick to make, and it was ABSOLUTELY YUMMY!!! You have to try it, even though the recipe had specific quantities you could wing it and it will still turn out great.

Write it down so you can make it this weekend.....are you writing????

Roma Tomatoes (they have less seeds & juice than the big beef tomatoes) - dice them up

Fresh basil (sure you CAN use dry but the fresh is so much better) - chop it up

Set the tomatoes and basil aside for now

Put some chopped garlic (I use minced jar stuff....yes I cheat) in a skillet with a drop of EVOO, don't brown it too much just warm it through and dump it in a bowl to cool.

While the garlic cools, put some butter in a skillet and set slices of crusty bread in the skillet and brown them up on both sides.

When you're done with the bread set it aside, go back and dump the tomatoes and basil in with the garlic and splash in some Balsamic Vinegar and sprinkle in some salt and pepper....stir, stir, stir. Put spoonful’s onto the bread and chow down.

You'll want to make this again and again!!!

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