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There is an all out war concerning essential oils. Some women will bite each others heads off arguing which brand is better.......not sure what it matters personally. I have found a brand that I can either get on or local at Virginia's Health Foods; and the price is less than the other brands. I use NOW Brands. The other benefit of this brand is that you can get each individual separate oil so you can use one alone or mix your own batch of whatever. The 'other' brands have to be ordered thru a distributor (like products from Avon, Tupperware, Watkins) you can't just buy them yourself when you want them, and you have to wait a week or two to receive them. The 'other' brands cost more (don't know about you but I stay broke so if cheaper works for my purpose I'm sticking with cheaper). The 'other' brands also come in mixes, meaning; you don't get Peppermint Oil only or Lavender Oil only; you get a 'rejuvenating blend; which is peppermint and some others; or you get a 'bedtime blend'; which is lavender and some others.....they deal in 'Blends' only. It makes it idiot say "I have a headache and get the headache blend" or "I am nauseous and get the nausea blend". You could have bought much much larger bottles of the individual oils and mixed them yourself instead of buying the teeny tiny blended bottles. I just do a little online research, there are recipes for different ailments all over the internet. I keep a stash of numerous different oils and mix my own remedy. It all boils down to preference!! If you like the convenience of the premixed blends, then get them.

A diffuser is a great way to take in the oils. I got mine from it's called Aroma Soft. Make sure you get a diffuser that is made for oils and not just water or you will dissolve the inside of it. Never put carrier oils in the diffuser. Put a few drops of your favorite Oil in the diffuser, fill to the line with cool water and let it run at night on your bedside table while you sleep in addition to putting it on your feet. Mix-n-Match your oils till you find what works for you and what you like the smell of.

Oils are best absorbed into the body on the bottom of the feet, around the neck, on the wrists, chest and across the belly. I have put the Peppermint & Lavender Oils on my chest when I have a head/chest cold. They help me breath and sleep. The rule of thumb with the brand of Essential Oils I use, is to dilute them to prevent skin irritation. I personally have found a few that I can use without diluting them, but others will burn your skin (like rashy blisters). The ones I use undiluted are Peppermint Oil and Lavender Oil. The other thing to remember is to never take them internally. Some 'other' brands in the great and vicious brand war going on say that you can take a certain brand internally but yet someone else will say that you cannot.....safest bet, just don't.

One of my homemade blends that I keep mixed and ready to use is Thieves. Thieves is great for colds and the flu.

I use this on our skin and also in the diffusers.

Spray Bottle 8-10 Oz

(This is one batch)

(Mix 3 batches in this bottle)

60 drops Clove Oil

30 drops Cinnamon Oil

45 drops Lemon Oil

15 drops Camphor Oil

25 drops Lavender Oil

15 drops Rosemary Oil

Fill to the top with Rubbing Alcohol

(Where-ever you spray it on your body, allow it to dry before you cover it all up or you'll burn)

Use one batch in the diffuser but use water not rubbing alcohol

Here is another homemade blend I put in a roller bottle and keep in my purse or headaches/migraines.

Fill it half way with Peppermint Oil and half way with Lavender Oil

When a headache/migraine strikes, roll it on the back of your neck on each side of your spine right at your hairline; you can dab it on your temples but don't overdo - it will burn your eyes if it runs down your face; you can also put some on the inside of your wrists or on your chest.

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