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The Strike of the Crud Bug!!!!!

The crud strikes when no one see's it coming!!

My family knows that if they complain they aren't feeling well, like they're coming down with something....I dole out a homeopathic treatment that none of them are happy about, but once they take it for a day or two they begin to feel better.

Of course, if this doesn't help in a couple days I haul them to the Doctor for a diagnosis and script meds.

I keep a stash of these around the house at all times. You should be able to find these at most drug stores......I order mine on

Of course Motrin or Aleve is always good to take while you're sick.

Take 3 times a day while sick:

Vitamin B12 - 5000 mcg

Vitamin C - 1000 mg

Vitamin D - 5000 iu

Cod Liver Oil Omega 3 - 750 mg

Garlic - 500 mg

Black Elderberry Syrup - 1 Tbsp -or- Black Elderberry Capsules - 2 Capsules

Oscillococcinum - 1 Tube

Apply 1-3 times a day while sick:

Thieves Oil mixed with either rubbing alcohol -or- Vitamin E Oil - rub it or spray it on the bottom of your feet (let it dry so you don't slip and fall).

Peppermint Oil & Lavender Oil - rub it on your chest

Use this method 2-6 times a day while sick:

Mix a couple drops of Tea Tree Oil in a bowl of boiling water - put your head over the bowl, put a towel over your head and breath deep for 15-30 minutes

Drink lots and lots of water

Sleep helps your body heal - so here's your excuse to take a nap.......or two!

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