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Convenience or Laziness???

So, our local Super Walmart has a new thing that's kinda great!

You download their App, log into your Walmart account, do your shopping online, and during the processing of your order it gives you time options to "pick-up" your order. Then shortly before your scheduled time, you receive an email stating your order is ready, then just click check-in showing you're on your way. The App tracks you. When you arrive, you park in the designated parking places and a Walmart Employee brings your order out to your car. They cover any substitutions they had to make (assuming you check-marked accept substitutions). Then you sign, they load it in your vehicle and you're on your way.

The first time I used this was a few weeks ago. I was short-handed at work and was stuck til 5pm on a Friday. The family planned a movie night that evening at the theater and would be waiting on me to arrive home from work so we could head to the theater. The next day I had to have one of the kids somewhere for an event. We had only been back in town from vacation for a few days so we definitely needed groceries. I didn't have a clue how I would be where I needed to be, AND get groceries for the weekend. So I tried the pick-up service. Super convenient and we finally had groceries in the house!!

We used it a second time this weekend. I have tons to get done around the house, and hubby whines like a toddler who didn't get candy at the check-out if he has to get more that a half dozen groceries per trip. He did volunteer to go pick-up for me this morning though which I really appreciated. He got home a little while ago and shook his head and said.....I've become one of my former customers.

He used to work at Lowes and complained daily about how lazy and inconsiderate some of his customers were. Parking in the no parking zone so they didn't have to walk; leaving their cart in the parking space next to them instead of putting it in the corral; asking employees at the customer service desk to go find what they are looking for and bring it up front to the check-out; deciding they don't need an item while perusing the store so they just shove the item onto the nearest shelf and walk away; walking in with drinks or snacks and leaving their garbage on the shelves..........blatant laziness!

So......what do you consider the Walmart pick-up service?? Is it a convenient service or is it a new gimmick designed for the ever-worsening lazy public??

I personally feel kind of bad for the employees having to do someone else's shopping for them. But...if they work for a business that offers this service, then they are getting paid to do their assigned job I guess.

Still, I love the convenience, but I think we'll be limiting our use of the service so we don't get to acclamated to it.

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