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"Privacy Is A Privilege" ??

So how did I, the Mom, lose my right to privacy? The short and sweet answer.....I got married and started a family LOL! We try to teach our kids that privacy is a privilege. They must earn our trust in order to earn some privacy. So what happened to Mom's right to privacy? You can't leave the room without being the kids OR the dogs. Doesn't matter what room you're headed to or what you are going to do, it's always much more interesting than what they're doing. So when the kids get older they learn it's not necessary to follow you all over the house; that what you're doing is probably boring and not worth them getting up off their butts to shadow you. Of course, the dogs still shadow your every move. Then things change!! All of a sudden, even though you have your hound entourage to protect you while you pee, one of the kids decides they need your help....NOW....but since you're a little tied up at the moment.....they'll wait. Then the other child appears and is asking permission for something and it CAN'T WAIT until you're done going pee. Then hubby shows up wondering where everyone disappeared to, and they all decide it's now time to discuss dinner plans for later this evening. When did peeing become a spectator sport?? Family bonding is important but do we have to do it while Mom is peeing?!?! I didn't realize my bathroom was so spacious! Locking the door does no good either. The dogs scratch on the door and whine and the family just bangs on the door and yells through it.

I know, I day when the kids have moved out I'll miss my audience while sitting on the porcelain throne. But for now.... Mom just wants to pee in private!!!

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