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"Safe" Place....

I'm not talking about "Safe Spaces" that the liberal pansies are whining about.

I'm talking about when you have an important item, a special item, and you want to be sure you don't lose it or misplace it. So you put it in what you feel is a safe place, somewhere no one else will see it and move it where you can't find it, and some place that you're sure you won't forget........

and then you forget where you put it!!

I have picked some super safe places over the safe I can't find what I'm looking for!!

Social Security Cards for the entire family, a special heirloom photo, a jar of state quarters, one of the dog's muzzles, a very early purchased small Christmas gift.

Recently when we went out of town, hubby decided to put his pistol in a safe place in the house while we were gone. Alabama is an open carry state and we all have our concealed carry permits, but we were going out of state and his pistol is too large to conceal. He's been looking for it since we got home about 3 weeks ago. He finally found it!!

But I still haven't found anything I'm missing. Where does it go?!?!?! Are there trolls or fairies or gnomes that play with our minds and sanity? If I EVER find my 'important' things, will I also find with them all the missing spoons, socks, and one flip-flop that are also AWOL ??? I'm not suffering from senility yet but I do feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes!

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