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"The Future is the Present, the Present is the Past"

"The Future is the Present, the Present is the Past"....Sounds like a bad Sci-Fi Movie Title

Many people in history have made their own statements pertaining to the Future, Present and Past. I used 3 examples:

Albert Einstein - Theoretical Physicist said "The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."

Tennessee Williams - Playwright said "The future becomes the present, the present the past, and the past turns into everlasting regret if you don't plan for it."

Walt Whitman - Author said "Past and present and future are not dis joined but joined."

How true these statements are. We all say "One of these days I'm going to ______". But do we actually follow through with it???

Time goes by fast, in the blink of an eye. One day our kids are babies, then they're starting school, then all of a sudden they're driving and in high-school, then graduating and going off to college, then pursuing a career and/or getting married and having their own children.

"Time flies when you're having fun" is not exactly a completely true statement, I mean, you don't have to be having fun for time to fly.

Today I have a nephew turning 21, he and my daughter who is 20 are both Juniors in college. It's been a few years since my clan got together with my brother's crew (financial and distance circumstances intervened to our dismay). It seems like the last 5 years have blown by and things have drastically changed for both our households. Not to mention all the younger siblings of these two Juniors in college aren't so little themselves anymore, recent high-school graduate, one upcoming high-school graduate, one only a year away from a learners permit and 3 more growing and changing daily.

My 20 year old daughter will likely be doing internships for the next couple summers and then she'll be off to grad school, which will be further away from us than she already is. "Family Vacations" I'm afraid have come to an end. We did manage to squeeze one in this summer before school started again. She was taking 2 classes online at home during her summer break but we were still able to get out of town for a week.

I also heard yesterday that someone I've known for almost all my life has only a few days to live and the illness was somewhat sudden. Although I have not been in touch with this person for years it's still sad to think that their time in this life is coming to an end. I know they lived life to the fullest and had hundreds of experiences that they shared and enjoyed with their family and friends.

So, don't let time fly by you without grabbing some of those special moments, taking some extra time to do those things you "plan on" doing and spending all the time you can with family and friends.

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