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Mom's Helpers

Today is the first Saturday since the daughter left for her Junior year at college (3 hours away) and the son started his 7th Grade year of school. The house looks like a hurricane hit it!! Although hubby and I both had to work all summer and daughter took 2 online classes at home and worked a little.......we still had a ton of fun. Be honest....who the heck wants to clean when you can run errands together or just 'exist' in the same room and watch a TV marathon as a family?!?!

Well, now that the daughter's stuff has all been moved out it's time to get a grip on this house. I did get to sleep late this morning, which was REMARKABLE. Poor hubby had to work today, it's their super super busy time of year but working Saturdays will only last for a few weeks.

So.....after I got up at 9-ish am, got some coffee and breakfast and watched one episode of a TV show while I enjoyed breakfast; I got up out of my chair about 11am, turned on some blaring music on the TV thru the Apple Box and started cleaning.

Mom's Helpers.....who is that you ask if hubby is at work, daughter is at college and the son is "on a raid mission" with his friends on his X-Box One in his room???? My furry babies of course!!!!

They are my shadows, they follow me to every room and are always interested to know what I'm doing.

Even though they can't physically help me by picking things up, vacuuming, scrubbing a toilet, washing dishes or folding clothes.....they're giving Mom moral support, good company and "over-seeing" the process. Of course, some days I want to strangle their little necks for

dumpster diving in the garbage can, pooping in the floor, barfing on MY bed, or obsessively barking at every bumping, ringing or knocking sound that comes out of the surround sound speakers.....but I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Pets are so affectionate, loyal creatures that give unconditional love. They're great listeners (whether you're venting or just asking their opinion on the situation), they don't judge your personal concert you're belting out (no matter how bad or off key you are), they're awesome and always willing taste-testers (even if you may deem it inedible), and you will never be alone no matter which room you go to in your house (of course that's because they're nosy).

Well.....back to cleaning with my furry posse!!!!

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