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Save a tree!!!

School has only been in for about a month and I'm already missing summer break.

It isn't bad, it's just chaotic in addition to my work. During summer break I don't have to chase the 7th grade kiddo out of bed, run the "did you remember to" list before we head out the door, and sit and wait on the bus. Then there is paperwork, and more paperwork; notes about this upcoming activities and events, notes and text alerts about homework, tests, and turning in a syllabus for each teacher for each subject, in addition to class rules and school policies. These are 7th graders.....why do I, the Mom, have to sign all this junk, I'm not in the class LOL. I know, I know, because I am to review all the information with my kid and make sure they understand it all and agree to abide by it all.

I am overwhelmed with paperwork on a daily basis!! Paperwork at work (A Small Real Estate Development Company, we finance what we sell so that ads MORE paperwork to the mix); Paperwork from school (thank goodness my daughter is handling 95% of her paperwork these days in college); Paperwork at the house (bills, insurance, etc). I try to do as much digital as I can, but some things require paper.

Geez, I could house a couple thousand woodland animals with all the paperwork I see in a month!!

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