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Dry Turkey Brine/Seasoning

Thanksgiving is a great holiday to get together with friends and family and pig-out on all the homemade tasty vittles.

We usually cook Tom the Turkey and all the fix-in’s, even though it’s just the 4 of us. We live such busy, fast paced lives, we don’t get to cook from scratch very often. So, we take advantage of the time off work to cook, eat and chill. I can’t give away our homemade cornbread dressing recipe, it’s a family recipe.

I can however share my Turkey Rub recipe and it’s FABULOUS!!!

Prep your turkey:

Make sure it’s thawed or mostly thawed

Clean out the innards

Set Tom is a sturdy bottom tray or tub

Generously massage Tom with a stick or two of butter, then use the rub mix and then place Tom in the frig:

If Tom is completely thawed and you plan on cooking it tomorrow you can rub him down and put him in the frig.

If Tom is still a little frozen and you plan on leaving him in the frig for a couple days, you can still give him a good rubbin’ before you stash him in the frig

When it’s time to cook Tom, it is your choice to leave the seasonings on him and cook him as is (baked, fried, smoked or whatever); OR you can rinse him off. Be aware that if you cook him as is the skin could be quite salty and the spices could seam strong….but it’s still very yummy)

Here is what you need to mix to make this lip smackin’ rub (you will need to double, triple, quadruple or more, the quantities so you have enough to cover all of Tom’s nooks and crannies. It’s alright to make a big, big batch and use what you need, then stash the rest in an air tight jar to use on your Christmas Turkey – just be sure that what ever portion you are stashing DOES NOT come into contact with Tom or your icky Tom slim covered hands)

1/3 Cup Kosher Salt

1 tsp Black Pepper

1 ½ tsp Rosemary

1 ½ tsp Sage

1 ½ tsp Thyme

1 ½ tsp Marjoram

1 ½ tsp Celery Seeds

1 Crumbled Bay Leaves

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