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Put your crazy hat on - it's only 24 Days until Christmas!!!

It's December 1st and time is going to start flying by! There is so much that we have to get done and a lot of activities and events we don't want to miss. If you haven't done it already, you need to pull out your notebook and calendar and get organized.

Check your calendar....right now....look at it you have all of the events you want to attend (or have to make a wanton appearance at) marked with the time it starts, the dress code and anything you need to bring?

Now get that notebook out....start jotting things down that you have to get think you'll remember BUT YOU WON'T....write it down RIGHT NOW. Carry the notebook with you so you can run a couple of those errands on your lunch hour or even jot more things down as they come to mind. As you write activities or events in your calendar think about the dress you have the necessary clothing or do you need to run out and get yourself a new blouse or your kids new dress shoes.

- Church programs or special speakers ?

- Kids school holiday activities or events ?

- Spouse’s work holiday party ?

- Annual Christmas programs by any performers/groups around town ?

- Tree lighting ceremonies or Light shows ?

- A friend’s personal Christmas party ?

- Any Doctor appointments you need to cram in before the end of the year while you’ve met your annual deductible ?

- Any activities or events you are assigned to bring something to (like Christmas cookies, a side dish, etc) ?

Write down the necessary ingredients or items and jot down on your calendar when you plan to bake/cook or shop for your contribution.

- Any activities or events that require Cash Only when you arrive ? Get it and stash it in your purse now so you’ll have it and won’t forget to stop when you’re in a tizzy trying to get everyone appropriately dressed and out the door on-time.

- Any greeting cards, gift cards or gifts that you have to drop off around town or give to someone ‘the next time you see them’ ? Go ahead and put them in your trunk….you know you’ll forget them at home if you don’t….go do it now.

- Christmas Cards addressed and mailed ? (Don’t forget the stamps….you just rolled your eyes and muttered….but you would be surprised how many people forget to put a stamp on it!)

- Gift list completed ? Know what you’re going to get everyone ? Who do you still need to shop for ?

(Don’t forget your special laborers like your mail-carrier, hair-dresser, lawn guy, personal bank rep, etc.)

Recommendation we learned from experience: Hubby says “Oh, NO we can’t put toys together early and hide them, we have to wait until Christmas Eve and then put them together, that’s the fun of it all”. I say “I think that’s a bad idea.” Well….when our daughter was around 4 we did it hubby’s way….and her Power Wheels was missing a very important piece that held the front wheels on. She got to open it Christmas morning but she didn’t get to ride it for several days….there is no bargaining or rationalizing with a 4 year old. Lesson learned!! So I highly recommend that if you are Christmas Eve toy builders that you at least open the boxes to be sure all the parts are there. Don’t forget the batteries!!!!

- Sounds silly, but when the chaos starts we tend to forget the simple everyday things….so have you paid your bills for this month ?

- Do you have your menu planned ?

Do you have to plan more than one meal ? Have company coming for several days ?

Make a list of all the necessary ingredients and check the pantry and frig to see what items you need.

Come on now….don’t skip anything on the list, thinking, oh I’ll remember to get rolls or butter or whip cream….no you won’t, now write it down. Don’t forget to include things like napkins, tissues and toity paper…..and of course don’t forget the two most important items – coffee and wine LOL

- Speaking of company….do you know where they’re all going to sleep ?

Do you have the necessary bedding clean and ready for them when they arrive….or rather for your children who are being evicted from their own rooms because Grandma and Grandpa can’t sleep on the pull-out with their lumbago.

Do you need to child-proof anything from little fingers coming to visit, or do you need to pull that horrid nick-knack out of storage that Aunt Bethany or your Mother-In-Law gave you….you know she’ll be offended if she doesn’t see it proudly displayed on your mantle or coffee table!

- Do you need to board any pets while company is visiting….either to avoid Fido or Fluffy from being fed something that will make them sick -OR- from one of them unexpectedly retaliating against the little human with a death grip, who is “hugging” them to death ?

Better call the vet now….they book up fast, just like hotels around town. If you’re going to brave it out and leave the family pets at home, be sure you have the necessary “boo-boo” supplies, like ice packs, band-aids and ointment.

- Do you put out cookies for Santa ? Do you have what you need ? Don’t forget the milk…..too bad Santa doesn’t drink wine. (Oh, come on….some of you have thought the same thing when you’re woofing down those cookies and chugging that room temperature milk or having to pour the whole glass down the drain after the kids have fallen asleep so they have the illusion that Santa came.)

- Have you already put up your Christmas decorations ? Did you SAFELY put everything up ? You don’t want to start a fire from using too many extension cords and you don’t want your blow-up decorations chasing the neighbors cat down the road on a windy day….did you stake Frosty down ? Do you need to go buy a new extension cord or more stakes ?

Did you remember to reinforce your tree so your crazy cat doesn’t knock it over during their psychotic hallucinations that the tree is really a huge branch of cat-nip full of shiny toys just for them? (We never had a problem with the two cats we had, they loved to just lay on the tree skirt and nap, guess we got lucky)

I’m sure that I’ve missed a few things that we all need reminders about this month, but this list should get you started and you can add more of your own family traditions that will require your attention.

Enjoy your time with friends and family, make some special memories and take lots of photos.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!

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