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Valentines Day...

Millions and millions of people celebrate Valentines Day as a day of love and affection. Those that don't have a significant other tend to suffer from anxiety or depression from being alone and having no one to share the day of love and affection with.

Have you ever researched the true history of Valentines Day?? It is dark, gruesome and violent. Filled with rituals involving animal sacrifices, prostitution, imprisonment, the murder and marriage being outlawed. Somehow we have turned it into a day of celebration involving candy, chocolates, cards and flowers. But in reality, what goes down each year entails a lot of crotch-less panties, negligee, champagne, wine, marriage proposals and sex. And of course everyone's favorite emblems for valentines day are hearts and a naked man in a diaper with a bow and arrow who shoots people.

Seriously?!?!?! What is everyone thinking?? One day a year 1/2 the world feels obligated to show affection by many different means and the other 1/2 of the world is sitting around expecting to be woo'd. People have lost their freaking minds!!!! Why are you not telling those special people in your life on a daily basis that you love them? Why are you waiting for one over-commercialized day when everyone else is doing it??

Stop waiting for Valentines Day quid pro-quo!! You don't know how long you have with those you love. Tell them everyday, show them everyday. Have many special moments throughout the year, don't put it off or you may not have the opportunity.

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