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Are your taxes done???

It's almost Income Tax Deadline time......unless you're filing an extension.

For those of you with new college students, don't forget to take full advantage of the possible deductions.

Check with your tax preparer for all the nit-gritty, but some of what you can claim are:

- Travel expenses to move your student onto campus (Uhaul truck/trailer, a hotel room 1/2 way there, etc)

- Many things your student will need that is not supplied (Laptop, Printer, mini-fridge, etc)

- Any books they are required to purchase or rent for class

- A portion of the Tuition and other fees are also deductions, so get a print out from your child's college showing the breakdown of all their fees for each Semester.

There are many more things you can claim so keep ALL your receipts, even if you aren't sure. Then your tax preparer can let you know if you can or can't use it.

Even is you don't have a college student, there are still many deductions you can use, for example:

- Part of the tax you paid for you vehicle tag

- Dr Co-pays, Eye Glasses or any other medical devices, Prescriptions

(you can only claim what you were not reimbursed for by your Insurance)

- Childcare while you are working (unfortunately the Friday night sitter is not tax deductible)

Happy Tax Prep!!!

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