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Summer break is almost here!!

I am a full-time working mom so I still work all summer long. But is DOES lighten up my mornings. I no longer HAVE to get up at 5:00am in order to get myself ready for work, let the dogs out and cage them, and get the middle schooler up showered and ready to go....all in time to catch the bus. Now I can sleep until about 7:00am, unless I need to go into work early for a special project. Two more hours of glorious SLEEP!

Although, I thought the house was a mess during the school year, you should see it during the summer......the middle school kid has 9 more hours a day to make a disaster in every room of the house. He's like his own Tropical Storm.

I thought we were going to be able to enjoy our daughters company this summer, but she received an Internship opportunity, so sadly we have to move her 4 hours away for 2 months. She'll be working for a Government Forensic Lab which could also mean a job opportunity after she graduates next May.

Summer sure doesn't seem like it lasts as long as they used to. Unfortunately we don't have any "fun plans" for the summer. No vacations this sad. We might make a day trip somewhere, maybe to the water park....although I burn to a nice rosy crisp in a very short period of time, even WITH sunscreen.....hhmmm so maybe not the water park.

I think I'll go make a new chore list for the boy child for the summer, I'll have to reset his lock-out time on his XBox One as go make your summer plans!

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