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We're 1 week into Summer Break

I've had this whole week off work, only to be bound by Dr appts, errands and cleaning.

I did some cleaning, but the house doesn't look any does that happen ????

I've been cooking each evening while I'm off work and now the kitchen is full of dirty dishes.....I'm seeing a benefit to eating out. Although you can't always get the same yummy stuff you can make at home.

This week I've made an awesome pasta salad, potato salad, pork steaks, beef steaks, boxed mac-n-cheese, conecuh sausage and hamburgers.

Pasta salad was twisty noodles, broccoli, cucumbers, tomatos, red onion, parmesan cheese, oil & vinegar and a little

mayo, salt, pepper, basil.

Potato salad, I used Yukon Gold potatos, peeled and boiled to very tender. I add boiled egg, chopped onion, sweet relish, salt and pepper.

Pork Steaks I sprinkle with lime juice, onion powder, dry mustard, cilantro, salt & pepper. Hubby grilled them

Beef Steaks, I mix spices in a bowl and then cover the meat with the mix. Salt, pepper, onion powder, smoked paprika, parsley, and dark coffee grounds. Hubby grilled them

Hamburgers, I cooked in a pan on the stove and sprinkled with salt & pepper, onion powder, and parsley. Then put on a Hawaiian sweet hamburger bun with mayo, lettuce, tomato, onion and a fried egg on top......yes a fried egg. Don't knock it till you try's AWESOME!!!

The conecuh needed no seasoning, just put it on a bun with a little mustard and maybe some mayo.

Well now I'm hungry......gonna run and see what I can whip up for dinner.....or maybe we'll just order pizza tonight so I can catch up on the the dishes that seem to reproduce while we sleep.

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