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NOT your Grandma's Fruit Cake!!!

Summer is going by too fast!!!!!

I can't believe that it's already July! Not only has the summer gone by fast, the entire year is blowing by.

Maybe beause it's been so so so busy. Unfortunately our household doesn't slow down much during Summer Break.

Hubby and I work year-round and this summer the college daughter is Interning at the Alabama Department of Forensic Science, so she is 4 hours away from us in Birmingham, Alabama. The son had "big plans" for the summer....XBox One LOL. He and his friends play all sorts of team games together on XBox Live. He has some games he plays on his owns like Skater games and Minecraft but mostly he and his friends schedule 'missions' on Fortnight, Call of Duty, Titanfall, Halo, Assassins Creed, etc etc. They LOVE their video games! His 15th Birthday is quickly approaching and I have planned a day of Paintball for him and his friends, and are including some older mentors of his (21 yr olds). Should be an interesting Paintball day!!!

Well....I'm off and running again. So I'm going to leave you with a pretty and yummy summer dessert recipe for you to take with you to your next pool party.

Fruit Cake!!!.....but NOT your Grandma's Fruit Cake!!!

You can use any pan shape that you would like, I like to use a bundt pan, it makes a nice little hole to stash more fruit inside of.

Use a boxed cake mix and bake it according to the directions on the box.

Make sure the cake is 100% cool (you can even bake the cake a day ahead and top it before you serve)

You can use ANY fruit that you choose, and you can add sprigs of mint or basil to add to the look of your cake.

I make it 3 different ways and sometimes service one of each depending on how many mouths I'm feeding.

Vanilla cake mix; top with blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, green grapes; mix confectioners sugar with milk until consistency of thick pancake batter with no lumps, thin enough to drizzle but not too runny; drizzle the sugar/milk mixture over the entire cake, let it run down the sides of the cake; use a potato peeler and shave the side of a COLD dark chocolate bar to put chocolate curls on top - Serve

Chocolate cake mix; top with blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, green grapes; mix confectioners sugar with milk until consistency of thick pancake batter with no lumps, thin enough to drizzle but not too runny; drizzle the sugar/milk mixture over the entire cake, let it run down the sides of the cake; use a potato peeler and shave the side of a COLD white chocolate bar to put chocolate curls on top - Serve

Spice or Caramel cake mix; top with very thinly sliced red and green apples (do not remove peels) (you will need to put your apple slices in Fruit Fresh immediately after cutting to prevent browning); get caramel, you can use a thick ice cream topping type or you can get those old school squares (like we used to eat as kids) and melt them yourself but you'll have to add a little milk while they melt; pour your caramel sauce over the entire cake; at this point you can either serve it as is or you can add a squirt or two of spray-can whipped topping - Serve

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