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Baked Fish

This time I used fresh Tilapia from the fresh seafood counter at my local Publix. You can use your choice of fish.

I purchased 8 fillets.

While the oven is preheating to 400 degrees

I poured EVOO in my casserole dish and rubbed it all around to try to keep the fish from sticking. Then I laid the fillets in the casserole dish.

I melted 2 sticks of butter in my cast iron melting pot on the stove (a bowl and microwave work just fine too LOL).

While the butter was melting I sliced up 3 fresh lemons and roughly chopped about 1/2-3/4 a package of fresh cilantro (we didn't plant our garden AGAIN this year so I don't have any fresh herbs, so I'm using store bought fresh).

Pour the melted butter over the fillets. Sprinkle on the fish:

1 Tbsp garlic powder

2 Tbsp onion powder

1 Tbsp salt

1/2 Tbsp black pepper

1/2 Tbsp cayenne

Lay the lemon slices on top of the fillets and then sprinkle the cilantro on top.

Cover tightly with foil.

(Next step for me is to trick the big dog to go outside so she doesnt attack the oven when I open it, it is her nemesis LOL)

Put the fish in the oven for about 45 minutes. Then take the foil off and stick a fork in a thick part of one of the fillets and twist. If it flakes apart easily its done.

You can remove it at this point or you can leave the foil off and put the fish back in the oven for another 5-15 minutes and brown the top up a little if you want to.

I'm going to serve my fish with mashed potatos (boxed flakes, sorry, it's a weekday and I don't have time for scratch tonight) and canned green peas....🤔 hhmm, unless I'm out, I forgot to check, or it will be green beans.



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